Life Wish List


It’s funny, a week ago I started writing the list of my desires, my dreams and my goals. It takes a lot of introspection, concentration and you have to have a very clear and precise vision of what you want to 1 year, 2 years, 3 years, 5 years … and about every aspect of your life (love, family, work, finance, travel, health, well-being, etc …). By sorting out my stacks of fashion magazines this afternoon, I found a paper folded in three, what I had written a few months ago. It was the list of my desires, dreams and goals written in a few points. Honestly, I do not remember at all writing this list and it does not matter.

The most incredible in this story? The first thing I listed on this paper happens to be the birthday present that I received few days ago.

I dreamed of it, I visualized it and it has been materialized! So, that proves to me again that the law of attraction works (really!) and I will take again THE list of my desires for the next 25 years to come! 😉

And if you are interested in doing the same, there is a video of John Assaraf (one of the protagonists of the book The Secret) which explains how to do it here (at 58:32).

Photos : Pinterest


Votre rendez-vous hebdomadaire de Conseils Mode, Tendances et Shopping ! 

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