Astro, Tarot, etc…

astrolove tarot Illutration Julien Michaud



Last week, I went to two evenings. The first organized by Grazia magazine and Slow Galerie to celebrate the new exhibition of ulien Michaud, illustrator for the Horoscope Grazia’s page. The second, organized by Asos to celebrate the release of their magazine in French version. And you know what, in both parties there were a Psychic! Accompanied by their tarot cards, they were giving a card’s reading session to anyone who would. But hey amazing! .. Everyone wanted it! You should have seen the waiting list and the tail formed around tables to believe it.


I’m not a trend office but I think I can say that we have here the latest fashionable trend in the “Lifestyle” category: have a tarot’s reading done!


So, I’m wondering: is it so important to know the future?


Well, I think so, man tends to be naturally curious and some indication of our future does not harm us.

But I would particularly like to say that it reassures us. In the stress of everyday’s life, it is reassuring to know whether we are with the right person, or if we will have that job’s promotion, or to have some informations on the health of someone close to us.


The simplest way to talk about this would be to tell you my story.


My 20 to 30 years, I wanted everything to go fast, I wanted everything, right away. I was anxious for my future, full of doubts. Uncertain of my skills (with my employers, but that, I surely discuss of this in a future post), anguished by my professional future and sorely lacking of confidence in myself. I lived either in the past or projecting a little too much in the future, it was hard to be in the present.

I went every summer to have a tarot’s reading session at the “Spychic Fair” in Biarritz. It was very necessary, essential, vital to me. Every year, I wanted to know what life was going to give me. Because I had (and still have) big dreams. I wanted to know if I was going to get there or not. And even if all the spychics told me the same things I wanted to be reassured again and again.


And then everything stopped the day I went into Libertinette’s (my lingerie brand) liquidation. I had a click! From that moment, my fear was gone. Overnight, I no longer wanted to know my future. I began to live in the present, stopping to put myself barriers and also giving me excuses. I began to see my life (and life in general) “in pink”, saying that ultimately all the things I want to achieve are possible (and I sincerely believe it!) And they do not depend and rely on other but to US! And little by little I gained confidence in myself.


It has been 5 years that I did not see a Spychic but who knows, the day I have a couple of specific questions to clarify, I would surely consult a psychic 😉 Trendy or no trendy!



Illustration: Julien Michaud.


Votre rendez-vous hebdomadaire de Conseils Mode, Tendances et Shopping ! 


    • 26 February 2016 / 11 h 32 min

      Completely agree with you Carina, even if sometimes we have to learn it 😉 I wish you a lovely week-end ♥

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