The year 2016 ends and I still take advantage of the few days that remain, before going into 2017 to take the time to slow down the pace, to breathe and think of all the things I am grateful for.
Here are the 21 things for which I am grateful in 2016:
- I thank my mom for always encouraging me and pushing me forward.
- I thank my father-in-law Osteopath, to put back my back in place (the joys of wearing a heavy camera …).
- I am grateful to have found a new job that is in line with what I like to do.
- I thank my cousin Olivier for being close to me (even if he is not there physically with us…)
- I am grateful to have come face to face with Melanie, my superfriend and roommate of when I was in Fond-Romeu and to have renewed the ties with her since, as well as Karim. And to say that I had not heard from them for 20 years! I feel so blessed to have them back in my life.
- I thank Irma for giving me the opportunity to go with her to New York.
- I’m grateful to have cut the fringe by myself. I wanted it, I did it, I saw it and I did not like … And I’m not ready to start again.
- I am grateful to have Mathilde and Gisele as girlfriends bloggers with whom we support each other in life, as well as for our respective blogs.
- I am grateful to myself for always seeking to become who I am.
- I am grateful to my father who gave me one of his qualities: curiosity.
- I am grateful to be listening to myself, always asking me good questions and finding the right people who accompany me for this.
- I am grateful for crossing the path of Dr. Puerta, Véronique Bastier and Chantal Rialland.
- I thank Starbucks for their nice hot chocolate.
- I am grateful for my work right next door.
- I am grateful for my mother’s precious help when she comes to Paris.
- I am grateful for having had the courage to stop a relationship that did not reflect my expectations.
- I am grateful to have my girlfriend Romy for 20 years.
- I am grateful to be finally ready to have a true couple life and become a mom.
- I’m grateful to have Shelby as a friend. Two years ago, she had sent me an email about my blog and from there a nice friendship is born between us.
- I am grateful to have my blog and to be able to share with you my ideas, inspirations and moments of the real life.
- I am grateful for YOU! To follow my journey for 4 years now and be so supportive of everything I do. Your support helps me a lot. I am grateful to be able to be myself and to be more and more open and vulnerable with you! You motivate me and you inspire me every day!
I wish you a very good New Year ‘s eve and a beaauuutiful 2017 ! ♥♥♥