Why concentrate on love instead of fear.
I’m very happy to talk with you today about this topic that is dear to my heart, especially after this unique worldwide quarantine episode.
What was your behaviour, your feelings, your state of mind during those last 2 months?
Were you afraid of the future, listening aguishly what the media said, or were you living your best life in a peaceful and confident way?
Happiness, anxiety, joy, anger… We have many words for the many emotions we experience in our lives. In reality, there are only two emotions: love and fear. All positive emotions come from love, all negative emotions from fear. From love springs happiness, contentment, peace and joy. From fear comes anger, hatred, anxiety and guilt.
If you have the choice, which of those 2 options would you opt for?
Have you notice how easy it is to get influenced by the media. Have you notice how every day, they find new breaking news to be scare off. The more dramatic it it, the better it is. Yesterday, no more masks, today more people had died from Covid-19, tomorrow a new pandemic with kids regarding the Kawasaki virus.
The more fearful we are, the more power we give to authorities and so they can manipulate our mind by telling us what to do or think. We will always be needy, trust them and ask for their approval and not be free to think, feel and behave by our own power and free will. But we have the power to be us individually, human, and be part of this humanity together for the better.
Educate yourself, find your own true. As Nelson Mandela says, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” And isn’t’ Mahatma Gandi who said, “The day the power of love overrules the love of power, the world will know peace.”
So be it! Let’s get out of fear, anger, negative and toxic atmospheres. Forgive ourselves and others. Ask yourself what make you feel unconditional love. And let’s connect together in this unconditional love feeling, to create a new paradigm. Let’s be together by celebrating our life on planet earth, let’s celebrate the beauty of mother earth and give infinite love to every kind of life on our beautiful and unique paradise. Cause love is infinite, it brings abundance and prosperity infinitely.
It may seem a little naive to say this but it is true, all the manuals on spirituality, the Dalai Lama, religions, as well as the messages we receive from extraterrestrial lives say so (yes I know, I just lost some of you by reading this last passage^^). The only law that governs our universe is universal love. Whether you believe it or not. And if you are skeptical about this, the important thing is not to believe it but to be aware of it.
And then some of you will tell me, okay, I choose love but how to get rid of everything that parasitizes us: conscious or unconscious fears, phobias, through childhood trauma, family secrets that are passed on from generation to generation (it’s called trans-genealogy), or even getting out of a repetitive toxic pattern that you can’t get out of, etc…
First of all, you have to know that this is a big work on yourself to put in place, some of us do it alone, through meditation, Kundalini yoga, or books, music, but I would say that for most of us, it takes much more than that and it takes time, months, years, all of life. But it’s really worth it. Once you get past a certain point, you feel liberated, light, guided by love. It is at this moment, that we can do what we really care about and that we did not dare to do before out of fear (often material).
If necessary, here are some names of people I recommend to you on Youtube and Internet.
— On the French version of this post, I give my good addresses in Paris and Biarritz for “Well Being” specialist such as Medium, Spychiatrist, Karmatherapist… —
Leeor Alexandra YouTube Channel ; An interesting video and an another one on her Instagram.
Aaron Doughty YouTube Channel ; An interesting quote on his Instagram.
♥♥♥ If you’re looking for trusted and qualified therapists/healers in US, I’m sure they’ll know some and respond to you if you ask them, you can also ask your friends and family members, they might have some contacts recommendation for you ♥♥♥
@themoontarot : she apparently propose healing session, chech her Instragam and website for more information.
@risingwoman : inspirational quotes and interesting interviews on her youtube channel.
@moonlightenergyhealing : Caroline propose Reiki and crytals healing sessions. She is based in Brooklyn, New-York.
“The Gooplab with Gwyneth Paltrow”, a series of 6 episodes where different “well-being” methods are experienced by the Goop team. It’s interesting.
I already told you about it in this post, it is the spiritual Netflix. There is 1 month of free trial if you are interested. See the videos “Rewired” by Dr Joe Dispenza, Neuroscientific (about this research on the pineal gland.)
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