Je pensais déjà connaitre les peintures de Roy Lichtenstein mais en visitant l’exposition “Roy Lichtenstein Retrospective” au Tate Modern à Londres, je me suis rendu compte que non. L’oeuvre de Roy Lichtenstein est bien plus large que ses tableaux inspirés des bandes-dessinés que l’on connait tous. 
Vous pouvez allez voir le site de sa fondation:

I thought I already know the paintings of Roy Lichtenstein but visiting the exhibition “Roy Lichtenstein Retrospective” at the Tate Modern in London, I realized that no. The work of Roy Lichtenstein is much broader than his paintings inspired by the comics that we all know.

You can go and see more on his website fondation:

Roy Lichtenstein: Sea Shore – White Cloud, 1964 – Large Jewels, 1953 – Imperfect painting – Entablature, 1974


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