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Courrèges & Mini Vinyl

Courrèges & Mini Vinyl

I’m sorry to have left you after my post last Monday, it was frankly not my goal. Do not worry, my moral level is on top (thank you for all your little words about this post) ^^ I simply had a little technical problem between my photos and WordPress. Finally, everything seems to be back in order! Let’s talk about outfit now. I found a lot of new things via my November Shopping Essentials. I especially had a crush on this vinyl skirt which is, as I had predicted ( “Clothings Spychic, Hello !”),…

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Gold & Brocart

Gold & Brocart

Sometimes we have clothes that are unable to associate and suddenly, just with a new piece joining our dressing, we have an illumination … The idea of ​​a new outfit! It took me few months between the acquisition of this gold blouse and finally being able to wear it. Buy clothes, that’s one thing, been able to associate it by creating the ideal outfit that suits us is another! We stay half an hour in front of our dressing by trying all possible combinations and no, no and no, it…

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