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London Fashion Week AW16 : My Favorites Looks!

London Fashion Week AW16 : My Favorites Looks!

      I present you an overview of the London Fashion Week AW16 Shows. Photos are better than long speeches, to talk about the LFW Autumn / Winter 2016 I think Runways and Looks speak for themselves, right? 😉 So let’s discover the Favorites Look we loved! And unlike the New York shows the sequins and the colors are up for the party! 😉           Photos: Vogue

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New-York Skyline by Night from The Empire State Building

New-York Skyline by Night from The Empire State Building

      New York, its streets, yellow taxis, the sound of sirens, its buildings and its … Skyline! If there’s one thing I love to do when I’m in New York, is to take a  long time to admire Manhattan and the surrounding area, seen from above. This is the third time I visit New York and the third time I get to admire the skyline from the top of the Empire State Building. The first time was almost 5 years. A few months after put in sleep Libertinette (my Lingerie brand), I went…

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    Paolo and I, we met a 14 July. So, Valentine’s Day is an opportunity for us to celebrate our half years. And this time, for Valentine’s Day we celebrate our four and a half years together. For a fun Valentine’s Day Saturday evening and Sunday, I thought of some ideas for us / you:   Have a drink: with your lover in the lounge/bar of Maison Souquet. The Moorish decor and 1001 Nights of the salon surely remind you the mood of the French film L’Apollonide. We are…

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    A week passed without giving you a sign of life because just returned from New York on Monday, I caught the flu. And not just any, the one that nails you in bed for a week! Therefore, I thought you might like to know my habits with essential oils that I use most often (only in case of cold or to complete medication prescribed by my doctor when it is more serious).   Ravinsara: ideal for boosting the immune system. I use this essential oil in addition to…

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Happy New Year 2016: My 18 Quotes on Happiness

Happy New Year 2016: My 18 Quotes on Happiness

Who says New Year, says “New resolutions.” And personally, I have never been adept of  “Good resolutions.” Actually, I never practice it because I know that the boxes □ Go to sport at least once a week □ Eat five fruits and vegetables a day □ Go to bed at 22:30 every night (rather than midnight or 2am) Etc … will never be filled! Surprising, right? You too? … Hmm, I see I’m not the only one then 🙂 Why? Because those are the rules of good conduct which I…

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Idées Cadeaux Déco

Idées Cadeaux Déco

    Hello Hello! 🙂 I hope you’re doing well. I’m back after a short break which was required to do a little check-up of the back office of the blog.   Christmas is approaching and it is often lack of inspiration for gifts. Therefore, I take my sudden interest in design and interior architecture by drawing a small partial list of the furniture and decoration accessories that I liked and that I would like to have in my next Home Sweet Home with Paolo 🙂   I hope this…

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3 Livres Mode Inspirants pour Noel

3 Livres Mode Inspirants pour Noel

      Depuis quelques semaines, j’ai enchaîné la lecture de trois livres écrits par des femmes influentes travaillant dans la Mode. Trois femmes, trois générations et trois histoires différentes. Chacune raconte à sa façon son histoire, ses anecdotes et ses leçons sur la vie, le travail et bien sûr: la mode. 3 livres inspirants qui à l’approche de Noël pourront vous faire plaisir comme cadeaux. Et pour mieux vous aider à choisir celui qui vous conviendrait le mieux, je me suis permis d’écrire mon analyse pour chacun.     #GirlBoss de…

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Les Nuits Blanches d’Olivier Monge

Les Nuits Blanches d’Olivier Monge

      C’est beau! Non? J’ai découvert cette photographie (voir en haut), à travers la devanture de la galerie qui expose Olivier Monge, le photographe. C’était Lundi, la galerie était fermée. A travers la vitrine, dans la pénombre, je n’ai pas pu bien apercevoir les autres photographies. Mais je suis restée figée, admirative devant celle-ci, comme si mon regard était happé par cette immensité, ce bleu nuit (ou nuit blanche, on ne sait pas très bien)  et la profonde beauté d’un paysage qui nous est à tous familier.   Après quelques…

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Kourtney Roy: Enter as Fiction

Kourtney Roy: Enter as Fiction

    Once again, I was right to listen to my intuition. I explain to you. Tuesday I was on the Pont des Arts in the direction of the Left Bank, and I wondered what street to take to join the Metro St Germain. Bonarparte street … with a gourmet escape at Ladurée or Rue de Seine that I love with its Arts Galleries. I admit that a small macaroon eaten on the run would have tempted me but I finally listened to my intuition in choosing to take the…

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L’écureuil de St James Park

L’écureuil de St James Park

    Je ne sais pas vous, mais moi j’ai envie d’un peu de douceur et de “mignonnerie” en cette fin de semaine surchargée. Aujourd’hui, pas envie de parler fringues, pas envie non plus de parler expo.   A défaut d’aller passer un week-end sabbatique à cueillir des champignons au fin fond du Larzarc (aucune idée s’il y a des champignons là-bas, d’ailleurs), j’ai juste envie de me poser tranquillement à la maison, à regarder la nature à travers les photos que j’ai pris il y a quelques mois, lors d’un week-end…

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