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Arthur Elgort at Colette Paris

Arthur Elgort at Colette Paris

Colette concept store showcases the work of the fashion photographer Arthur Elgort … Let’s go! 😉 Through a hundred photographs mostly in black and white, we immerse in the universe and the passions of the photographer. For indeed, Arthur Elgort always loved integrate his centers of interest in his photos. This is what is reflected in this exhibition covering 45 years of his work. Dance, with the grace of a ballerina, the atmosphere of a rehearsals room in New York … Jazz, with beautiful portraits of musicians and fashion photo series made…

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Herb Ritts à la Maison Européenne de la Photographie

Herb Ritts à la Maison Européenne de la Photographie

Fashion and Photography lovers, there’s an exhibition currently at La Maison Européenne de la Photography to not miss! Herb Ritts “en Pleine Lumière.” As the name of this exhibition, Herb Ritts reveals through this beautiful exhibition his work with the light. I knew his photos taken in the 90s with top models like Naomi, Christy, Cindy and Stephanie but I had not gone further. It’s by discovering this exhibition (retrospective) that I realized what is special about his work. Herb Ritts who was from California, was a light lover (intense when the…

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Marché Noir

Marché Noir

  Psst, psst, for this weekend, I have a good fashion address to suggest. You know Marché Noir, in Paris? If you walk around the Carreau du Temple, this is good place to remember 😉 Opened few months ago, Marché Noir is the place to be for vintage lovers and African style and culture. What struck me first in the shop / tea room is the decoration of the place, unique! We find the same spirit colonial that in Comptoir Général but this time with a more refined touch (less flea…

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Takashi Murakami at Perrotin Gallery

Takashi Murakami at Perrotin Gallery

  I am very happy to speak today about the new exhibition of Takashi Murakami to see currently in Galerie Perrotin. I love the world of Takashi Marakami and I’ve never had the opportunity to visit an entire exhibition with his works. Honestly, I was so impatient to see a new exhibition of Takashi Murakami in Paris. There you go ! This is done 🙂 Once at Galerie Perrotin, I plunged into its universe inspired by manga and video games made from animals, colored flowers, dragons, skulls and accumulation tables…

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A day at Big Festival !

A day at Big Festival !

The Big Festival is an opportunity for me to return to Biarritz with Paolo, in the month of July. As I said in a previous post, it’s the perfect timing as the sun goes down later, and there is time to enjoy those long sunny days. This year, the water was low in the morning and it’s my favorite time of the day to put the towels on the beach of the Côte des Basques before the tide goes back three hours later. So we thoroughly enjoyed this ephemeral sandy beach…

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Buren at Vuitton’s Fondation

Buren at Vuitton’s Fondation

  The artistic approach of Daniel Buren is so recognizable. This time, it was the sails of the ship of the Vuitton’s Foundation realized by architect Frank Gehry who swoon to ” Buren colors ” in the middle of the Bois de Boulogne. I was amazed by this spectacular and beautiful work but who is unfortunately ephemeral and it would be a shame to miss … Get there fast before it ends on 31 August, you will be amazed by this giant kaleidoscope! Find all the information of the Vuitton’s…

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  In Paris this weekend? Go at the Grand Palais to see Monumenta 2016 exhibition ! The exhibition is to discover till this Saturday Evening and it would be a shame to miss this! Having myself visited the exhibition yesterday afternoon, I urge you to go immerse yourself in the work of the Chinese artist: Huang Yong Ping. Count 300 containers scattered in 8 islands, Napoleon’s hat in the middle of the nave (which I did not really like but hey, each one will appreciate or not ^^) and a gigantic…

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Meet Lisa – Country Manager chez Asos

Meet Lisa – Country Manager chez Asos

  Today, I propose to you a special article as it is an Interview! With the blog and in my work, I am brought to meet very interesting people. If you follow me for years, you know that I like to introduce them here, on the blog. Lisa is Country Manager – Business Development at Asos. I met her at a press presentation last October. We immediately had a very good feeling together. We told to each other our journey, experiences, life in London, traveling… Her story fascinated and impressed…

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Brooklyn Bridge

Brooklyn Bridge

      Brooklyn Bridge … The bridge that connects Manhattan to Brooklyn is surely where we have the most beautiful view of the skyline and New York. Brooklyn, Manhattan Bridge, Hudson River, Statue of Liberty and the skyscrapers of Manhattan more imposing than ever, it’s all here in a single table. And you know what? It is really beautiful!   Irma and I arrived in the morning, just before the shops open and before starting our day exploring Brooklyn. There was bright sunshine for photos and already a lot…

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Astro, Tarot, etc…

Astro, Tarot, etc…

    Last week, I went to two evenings. The first organized by Grazia magazine and Slow Galerie to celebrate the new exhibition of ulien Michaud, illustrator for the Horoscope Grazia’s page. The second, organized by Asos to celebrate the release of their magazine in French version. And you know what, in both parties there were a Psychic! Accompanied by their tarot cards, they were giving a card’s reading session to anyone who would. But hey amazing! .. Everyone wanted it! You should have seen the waiting list and the tail formed…

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