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When Brands are Doing their own Cinema

When Brands are Doing their own Cinema

  Basically, I love cinema (apart from rubbish films that seems to be more and more common in recent years) and fashion, of course! So when the Ready-to-Wear brands make their cinema through their advertising campaigns realized like real films, I plunge in willingly. And it’s crazy, magic always works as much. I am always thrilled to discover inspiring decorations (the Carven house), destinations that make you dream (Coachella) and which are on my “To Do List” travel to do and stylish looks in a very licked aesthetics. If you…

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Playlist #2 Mars 2017

Playlist #2 Mars 2017

Because on my side I continue surfing on Youtube (in this moody Parisian Saturday, I have not even left home today), I still want to share with you what I’m listenning at the moment. In this new Playlist, there will surely be pieces that you already know and also and especially songs / artists to discover. Enjoy! 😉 I wish you a beautiful weekend and see you on Monday with a new “Outfit”.   The xx – Say Something Loving (Official Music Video) : Portugal. The Man – “Feel It Still”…

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Be  Fully Aware to Avoid the Worst…

Be Fully Aware to Avoid the Worst…

This is a somewhat special post I write today because it has nothing to do with fashion, travel and my inspirations. So, before I start, I would like to say that I am neither a doctor nor a psychologist and that what I advance is only my feelings about what I have heard and seen about the origin of some CANCER. I would like to talk to you about this subject, which is surely sensitive to each of us at the emotional level, but it is a subject that is…

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21 Things I’m Grateful for in 2016

21 Things I’m Grateful for in 2016

The year 2016 ends and I still take advantage of the few days that remain, before going into 2017 to take the time to slow down the pace, to breathe and think of all the things I am grateful for. Here are the 21 things for which I am grateful in 2016: I thank my mom for always encouraging me and pushing me forward. I thank my father-in-law Osteopath, to put back my back in place (the joys of wearing a heavy camera …). I am grateful to have found a…

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A perfect Saturday

A perfect Saturday

Last Saturday I spent an absolutely PERFECT Saturday in Paris! You know, the kind of Saturday like in Sex and the City, where you savor the moment (and the simple fact of feeling alive), with the program of shopping session, lunch in a good restaurant and meet a girlfriend for a drink. Well, the Saturday that all girls dream about… Let me relate it to you! I had set the alarm clock at 10am but naturally woke up at 9.15am. The day before I had planned my little list of things…

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Deauville Style

Deauville Style

A week ago, I spent the weekend in Deauville with Albane. Arrived by train Saturday in the late morning, we walked along the port to arrive at our hotel, the Central Ibis Styles of Deauville. Just the time to drop off our belongings, make some photos to immortalize the original and very design decoration of our lovely room, on the themes that are dear to Deauville, with the American film festival, horses, races and Les Planches, that it was already time for lunch. The Receptionist of the hotel explains that…

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Christmas Shopping List : Special Decoration

Christmas Shopping List : Special Decoration

Aaaah! The month of December and the race for Christmas gifts … When we know what gift to offer everything goes well. On the other hand, it becomes a real headache when we lack idea and we find ourselves to look for gifts at the last minute. We all know that! So, to help you a little to find gifts ideas, I concoct you this special “Christmas Gifts Special”. This time, I left out Fashion, (I would present a next article “Fashion Gifts” soon) to privilege the super cool and…

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Playlist de Novembre !

Playlist de Novembre !

Hello, Hello, I hope you had a great weekend? For my part, I have not even seen it past! Between Friday night at the beautiful Hôtel Particulier Montmartre with Paula and Irma for a Brazilian Night (visible on my InstaStory), then, all Saturday at the Café de la Presse for the Vide-Dressing we organized with the girls, and the evening for the forty years of Irma (her husband had organized a surprise party very successful ^ ^) and Sunday meet Mathilde to shoot a look and rushing in her new…

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The Break-up

The Break-up

And yes, it’s over! Some of you had guessed what had happened since some post (especially with this one). Well, I’ll tell you, Paolo and I’re done, but do not worry. Everything is fine ! After 5 years together, our story ends to take the direction to which everyone aspires for the best … and the best! And if, like me, you are going though a break-up and you’re not living it well, tell yourself that this relationship was a training for the next. Analyzing and drawing conclusions will make you understand…

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5 Life Lessons I Learnt During This Year

5 Life Lessons I Learnt During This Year

I’m not used to talk openly here about my experience really. So, I felt this is the right time to talk about me and what I learnt during this year as ” Life Lessons “. 1. We cannot change people We all know the expression, but until you have met yourself the scenario where we see the problems / limitations of people (our relatives in particular), it is difficult to realize that this expression is true! Two options are available to us. Either we accept this fact and people are…

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