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A Night at Pullman Paris Tour Eiffel

A Night at Pullman Paris Tour Eiffel

There are places where you immediately feel like a princess. That’s exactly what happened, about ten days ago when I arrived at the Hôtel Pullman Paris Tour Eiffel to stay one night at the foot of the Eiffel Tower. I was eager to discover the room and the view and I must say that I was not disappointed. The standard of the room was perfect. Neither too small nor too big with the decoration as I like, contemporary and unadorned, with the spacious bathroom and a beautiful walk-in shower. The icing…

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5 Dating Tips to find the one

5 Dating Tips to find the one

As you probably already know if you read this post, I am looking for the perfect companion / lover for me. As I met few guys since I’m on Tinder, I’m starting to learn about the dating experience. And as you may be in the same situation as me, here are the 5 points to remember :   KNOW WHAT YOU’RE LOOKING FOR Being single and looking for a new relationship can be difficult. The first point is to know exactly what you want. Engage again with someone. Are we ready? Are…

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Speak out!

Speak out!

Without wanting to go back on this post, this experience will have taught me something fundamental about me. One thing I was not sure about 10 days ago. It may sound stupid, but this intervention has caused me to ask myself a lot of questions about my life as a woman. Somewhat scary anticipation questions like “What if …” more or less distant from the real matter. “Do I want to have children?” I admit that before I wanted to go to the bottom of the problem, I had to…

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Tinder, après 1 mois d’expérience…

Tinder, après 1 mois d’expérience…

Je me suis décidée à m’inscrire sur Tinder, il y a 1 mois sur les conseils et les bons retours que j’ai eu de mes copines (Mélanie, Mathilde et Elianora, si vous me lisez^^). Après avoir passé tout l’Eté à prendre des verres en terrasses sans que rien ne se passe côté rencontre, j’en ai naturellement déduit que : soit les hommes entre 37 et 42 ans sont tous déjà pris, soit les rencontres ne sont malheureusement plus aussi faciles qu’il y a encore 6 ans. Moi qui pensais que…

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Health First !

Health First !

A few weeks ago I had to have surgery. A small surgical procedure that nevertheless required general anesthesia. I could have kept it for myself but I would like to talk about it here because as it is said that as bloggers we are also influencers, so we have “a power of influence” on the people who read us and follow us . So, I go into this super serious topic and I will try to explain with my own words! If this post can make you aware of this,…

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Playlist Septembre 2017

Playlist Septembre 2017

Hello, hello! Have you had a good weekend? For my part, it was not bad at all. Since last weekend, I have been testing something that I have never tried before and which is totally out of my habits, but I will tell you about it in a future post dedicated to this topic. Would you like to extend the weekend by listening some cool music that makes you want to dance? Me yes, right now! And that’s why I concocted this new Playlist composed only by songs that have just…

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Top 5 Best Ice Cream in Paris

Top 5 Best Ice Cream in Paris

I hope you had a very nice summer, my darling(s)? Yes, I know, the holidays are over. Okay, okay, but the good news is that Summer is still here, and just because we’re back in Paris, doesn’t mean we can’t think we’re still on vacation. For that, I have my little remedies, like for example, enjoy the funfair of the Tuileries (until Sunday 27 August, so fast, fast ) or get one of the top 5 best ice cream in Paris. By the way, I carried out my little investigation by “devoting…

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33 Things that makes us Happy

33 Things that makes us Happy

A week ago I published this post, where I talked about the importance of having fun to be happy with ourself. To go deeper into this subject and because I asked myself what my pleasures are in life, I would like to develop today with you small or great pleasures essentials to our own well-being. You will see, for many those little and simple enough pleasures are easily realizable every day and which despite the worries of our daily life make us appreciate our life for the better and the better. I…

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My 5 Tips for when we are single

My 5 Tips for when we are single

  Okay, last week I told you that I was convinced to meet the man of my life last month. Error! But let’s be clear, it is not because we are single that we have to stay in our corner and wait for this to happen. For me, before being a couple, you must first be good with yourself as a single person. I mean, in my opinion, we must live our life as a single person fully accomplished as if we had already found the man of our life. We…

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How to Pack Smart

How to Pack Smart

  Cause the holidays start soon, I have prepared you this new post where I give you all my tips on how to pack smart and travel light. 1. Think outfits What are you going to do during your vacation. Taking sunbath at the beach or around the pool, go on excursions, ride a scooter wind in the air, explore the island where you spend the holidays … Rather than collecting several pieces separately, think about what you will wear as an outfit and make a list. We put on the outfits…

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